Welcome to the journey!
Here at LabEveryday we will discuss the latest and greatest IT certifications, how to use those certifications and how to apply them to your resume to find the career of your dreams.
LABEVERYDAY is in not just a catchy phrase or hashtag. But what does it truly mean?
If you google the term you will find beautiful pictures of Labradors, science lab technicians in over coats, and even a million-dollar home lab.
True story! Google it!
If you are in Cisco or some type of lab environment the term LabEveryday likely resonates with you. If you have attempted to pursue an I.T. certification, it should resonate with you even more.
I have always said that LabEveryday is about the journey: Your own individual journey. But since the term has become quite interesting as of late, I figured it was time to shed some light on what the movement means to me (the creator) ....
I love the quote:
“No matter what you want to be great at in life, it will require you to do it every day.”
I have no idea who said it, but I am sure whoever said it first, reached Jordan status in their perspective field.
Could you image Michael Jordan taking a day off or even a week?
What about Kobe Bryant?
How about Tom Brady?
Lebron James?
NO? Exactly! Those that become experts live what they are experts in every single day. They become it. They eat, sleep, drink, and poop it! Sorry for the visual, but you get my point.
I created LabEveryday to reprogram my mind to become a Network Engineer before I even had the title. It took me 3 years to get that title. After applying for numerous positions, getting told no, and turning down offers to relocate, I finally made it to that level. The journey required a whole lot of patience, not worrying about what people thought of me, and not allowing the feeling of jealousy and defeat to take shape in my mind. I had to have faith, patience, and dedication to work every day for the goal. Even when it felt like it would never happen I still had to LabEveryday.
I used this same approach to acquire my certifications as well. When it was time to get my CCNA, I mentally buckled down, decided to take it seriously, and I absolutely had to LabEveryday. The CCNP required even more dedication and I imagine the CCIE will require my soul. LOL. In all seriousness, my family, my friends, and my life will all be affected by the journey to CCIE.
But that’s it; it’s about the journey. It’s about not focusing on the destination, but enjoying the experience of learning, growing and helping others along the way!
So, when you get discouraged and feel like giving up, keep going! Find someone else who is in the #LabEveryday family or reach out to me directly. If I can help you or they can help you, WE WILL. That’s what the LabEveryday movement is all about!
The Journey!