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This page includes rules and guidelines for using the LabEveryday Information Technology forums. We want a helpful and active community. We assume good faith when dealing with violations; we will only warn or ban users who repeatedly or blatantly violate the rules.


Administrators have the final say in modifying, interpreting, and enforcing these rules.


Note: If you notice someone violating the rules please report and flag the abuse and do not try to deal with it yourself. Alert a forum moderator or administrator by clicking "Report abuse" next to the post. For a list of FAQs and issues please contact labeveryday support for more details.





Users who post forum spam will have their posts removed. If a post that is otherwise appropriate includes links considered to be spam, those links will be removed.



You can add images, such as a "screenshot" of your computer screen or labs are encouraged. Inappropriate or media considered to be offensive will be removed.



Don't post any sensitive information. Moderators will remove personal information from posts to protect your privacy.



Link to content rather than posting it in its entirety, unless you are the copyright holder or have permission from the copyright holder.

Do not post links to third-party download sites. Third-parties sometimes fetch the wrong builds, or add malicious software to the download. Moderators may edit or remove links to third-party download sites.

Do not post direct links to executable files. Moderators may remove these links to protect users from potentially malicious downloads. (You can post a link to the webpage that contains the file download but it may also be removed if a Moderator finds that the web page content could be harmful or if the web page link is spam.)



Do not use obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, or excessively violent language.


Do not harass, insult, taunt, provoke, demean, or personally attack other forum members. Be friendly even if others are not.

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